Releasing the Ritual Circle

When a circle has been cast and the ritual or spellwork is complete, it must be formally released. This allows the powers and energies within the circle to be properly returned to Nature. Avoid leaving an active circle empty or unattended indefinitely.

Items needed:
Altar, positioned in the center of the circle
Corner elements and candles


Stand before the altar.
With the wand, sign a destructive pentagram.

Let the circle be opened but not broken,
the powers and energies within given to Nature.


Circling the wand in a widdershins direction,
release the power from the circle's edge.

As above and so below,
remaining united with all who are present,
the workings here are now done,
and we release this space.

As we will it, so mote it be.


Face west with arms raised.

Keepers of the west, merry part.
We thank you for being with us.

Face south with arms raised.

Keepers of the south, merry part.
We thank you for being with us.

Face east with arms raised.

Keepers of the east, merry part.
We thank you for being with us.

Face north with arms raised.

Keepers of the north, merry part.
We thank you for being with us.


Invite other participants, if present, to depart the circle.

In perfect love and perfect trust, merry part.
Go forth with thanks and good will.


Beginning in the west and moving widdershins,
extinguish the corner candles.
Extinguish the lantern and the incense.

Extinguish the altar candle.

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